Romance by Kennedy Ryan
Thoughts and review
A story that glows, that hopes, that heals and deliver. This story of how two soul mates discover love, hurt, pain, adjustments and new life is real and relatable. It gives healing and creates a safe space within the story line.
My emotions ran vividly wild throughout this entire read. I enjoyed and appreciated the intricate details in the moments of truth and in the moments of pain. In its truth, the need as well as the stigma created around therapy/counseling triggers our reality as readers and tugs on our inner beings.
Reading this novel made me more aware of our men. Not only men in general, but OUR Black men. How they are often triggered, unappreciated, forgotten pieces to our puzzles, the protector and provider, the glue, the ones that are told not to show tears. But they are here and we need to see THEM and pray that God sees in them what we cannot always see ourselves.
Not only is light shed on men here, but the author gives us women who feels. Women characters who faces challenges but are empowered to get through. Women and friendships, not women and fighting each other . The narrative created around relationship dynamics creates a glow of hope. Hope that reminds us that friends still exist, love can be found, second chances are okay, rebuilding is fundamental, talking it out is a release and walking each other through the darkness is better than finding the light alone.
So fiction but so real. Kennedy Ryan expresses in her writing that it is okay to start a new chapter of life and write it on your own terms.
This is a #readBlack honest book review! Thank you.