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The House Of Eve #readBlacknblog Review

The paths of two individuals cross when life stimulates trials that dissolves into forced solutions. Okay scene is 1940s-1950s in the view of Washington, DC and Philly where Jim Crow may be dominant in the south but very present up north. The characters does not escape racism, classism, all the “isms” you probably can think of. The novel also takes a dive into the family dynamics of the black family and how they’re up bringing shapes who they there as a person.

Classism is prejudice against or in favor of people belonging to a particular social class. We see how one family “made it” despite the color of their skin and since “they have arrived” one would consider themselves better off than those of a darker skin. This is where the author curves us into historical colorism. As we see these two families from different sides of the track bump heads but at the end of the day the realization is made that despite their different shades they are still Black in the eyes of the white man. Although we see how differences collide within class and color, the authors creates a thrilling and passionate story line of limits of love.

Motherhood is entered simply when a woman transitions into a stage in their life when their child is born. A question the author imposes may be, are you still a mother if you give up your child? Forced adoption and miscarriages are not a thing of the past. It is still occurring based on the color of our skin. We are still being mishandled in the hospitals and are still being coerced into giving up our rights as mothers based on supposed statistics and generational habits. Although this is set in a different time period; we can still see the struggle, trauma, abuse, victories and danger the black woman may face in life.

A historical moment when Jim Crow existed, a time time where it was a crime, blasphemy, unruly and socially unacceptable to have interracial relationships. The author explores love between black and white; poor and wealthy. Is love enough to go against the grain, to go against what society deems politically correct and just? The stigma of circumstances questions who said you had to marry if you become pregnant. It was the honorable thing to do from the men to take his pregnant woman as his wife to avoid shame and embarrassment. A aged resolve of a masked culture and a burdened society.

Overall this luminous read contrasts the sides of color, class and wealth; a choice of passion or safety and a burden of truth or the tale of truths. This unforgettable tale receives five stars from me. I am always wrapped into the stories Sadeqa creates. They are real, forbidden, brilliant, timely and enthralling. I admit, I turned the pages entirely too fast.


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