Hey! So Glad You're Here.
Welcome to readBlacknBlog , a peace space to read, discuss, and encourage black literature & art. ReadBlack was birthed based on my avid passion for reading since I was a little girl and now blogging about it came about during the iconic pandemic quarantine of 2020 & the need of awareness on the pandemic of the black race. My goal is to encourage black reading & black knowledge.
I found myself for years giving advice on recommendations on good reads,how did I feel about a educational topic discussed in a book and just became someone people sought encouragement & prayer from. Here exhibits how I own that role by blogging my personal thoughts and opinions on a specific read, art or just overall melanin experience.
Beyond this blog, you will see and understand me in a different light. I take joy and pride in reading books authored by authentic Black folk,with Black folk in mind. I may come off coy in person, because I prefer to use my voice behind my writing. Here am I just a black professional, black wife,black mommy, black woman of faith, black blogger. I hope you enjoy my page! Visit often & don't forget to subscribe!